Jan. 16, 2013 – Callicoon, N.Y. – Last week, WSUL/WVOS presented a $50,000 donation to Catskill Regional Medical Center (CRMC). The amount represents 100 percent of the proceeds pledged from the 34th Annual WSUL/ WVOS Annual Heart-A-Thon, which took place in February of last year. This generous donation will be entirely committed to CRMC’s Cardio Pulmonary Department.
“We are so happy to put on this event each year,” said Helena Manzione, General Manager of Watermark Communications and WSUL/WVOS. “It is one of the largest fundraisers in the county, and to be able to help support our local community hospital and make a difference is very gratifying.”
Over the past 33 years, the WSUL/WVOS Heart-A-Thon has raised more than $1.65 million in the name of heart health. Since Helena Manzione became General Manager of Watermark Communications in 2005, her focus has been to benefit CRMC by presenting 100 percent of the proceeds to its Cardio Pulmonary Department. The last six years’ totals are in excess of $410,000.
The 35th Annual WSUL/WVOS Heart-A-Thon will be held at CRMC on Saturday, February 23, and will be led by Co-Chairs Alan Kesten of Yellow Cab, Roberta Byron Lockwood of the Sullivan County Visitors Association and Paul Carlucci of the Villa Roma Resort and Conference Center.
A member of the Greater Hudson Valley Health System, Catskill Regional Medical Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality health care to residents in the Sullivan County region. For more information, visit www.crmcny.org.