Spotlight Your Education Organization as a Vital Leader, Neighbor and Partner Through Strategic Public Relations, Marketing and Crisis Communications
Innovative excellence occurs in schools every day; is your school district, college or education organization comprehensively telling those stories? Focus Media has extensive experience strategically and relentlessly communicating education messages, breakthroughs and achievement, tailored for distinct audiences. Results include exponential increases in community engagement, successful budget and bond-issue votes and vastly improved reputation management and crisis communications that position your district as an invaluable community leader. Call Focus Media at (845) 294-3342 or email
Focus Media’s specialists will formulate content strategies that elevate public discourse through factual, positive newsletters, videos, press releases, community emails, presentations and media relationships, as well as via online and social media tactics that convert analytics into action and goodwill.
Focus Media’s services include:
- Relationship-building within your school district to generate constant content spotlighting academic, social and emotional achievement
- Strategies that advance community trust and transparency
- Playing a key role in communications that help maintain the safety, security and well-being of students, staff and others through timely, authoritative alerts and protocols
- Crisis communications to navigate the ever-chaotic landscape of the news media, social media and online discussion
- Expert campaigns with proven inventive tactics that support passage of school district budgets and construction bond issues
- Proactive, comprehensive media strategies resulting in positive news stories
- Hands-on, 24/7 website and social media management, tailored to distinct audiences via data analysis to maximize positive engagement
- Eye-catching design and creative, such as flyers, logos, mailers, posters and digital presentations
Call or e-mail us today to learn more about our services - 845.294.3342

While working with a school district in the New York City suburbs, I closely partnered for a year with Focus Media, which managed the school district’s communications and marketing. I was impressed with Focus Media’s vision, content strategy and creation, collaboration, execution, problem-solving, branding techniques, and consistent ability to get results.
- Focus Media managed communications channels, created content aligned with the school district’s key messages, and significantly increased the volume and frequency of news provided to students, families, faculty, and the community.
- Focus Media’s crisis communications expertise was particularly vital throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and when a hurricane damaged schools.
- Focus Media built strong relationships across the district, administration, and schools. That grassroots approach and the news and information it yielded advanced schools’ reputations, transparency, and standing as community partners.
- Online and social media strategies substantially increased the volume of posts and community engagement.
-Teresa Cummings, Ph.D.
Cummings & Associates Consulting
Former Chief of Staff/Chief Accountability Officer, Sacramento City Unified School District, Sacramento, Calif.
Who We Are
Focus Media is a widely respected public relations agency that has specialized in education for 20 years. We are considered the “go-to” experts when crises erupt, when reputation management is vital and for overall transformative strategies. Our team members have led education coverage in newsrooms and media outlets. They have collaborated with Boards of Education, superintendents, school district leadership teams and state officials influential in education circles. We know how to forge just the right message at just the right time to get results and sway opinion – always with the educational organization’s interests first and foremost in mind.
Case Study 1:
Focus Media was engaged by the Mount Vernon school district in Westchester County, N.Y., when a crucial $108 million bond issue was presented to voters. Focus Media’s promotional strategies secured community approval and enabled the school district to advance how it educates its students. (See video below)
Case Study 2:
When New Rochelle, N.Y. school district voters voted down a $49 million construction bond measure, Focus Media was hired to strategize for a second attempt. Focus Media’s comprehensive, authoritative, fact-driven tactics secured voter approval on the second try, even though the second bond issue had increased to $106 million.
Case Study 3:
When a district was victimized by offensive graffiti, Focus Media devised a swift, firm campaign that communicated the school district’s energetic denouncement of bigotry. This included successfully managing media coverage and families’ expectations of safe, protective classrooms.
Case Study 4:
Focus Media drove a daily COVD-19 communications campaign for a year for one district, disseminating comprehensive plain-talk information about district safety measures and protocols on a school-by-school basis.
Case Study 5:
Focus Media advises the Office of the President at Westchester Community College regarding public relations and strategic communications. Focus Media, for example, designed the college’s COVID-19 communications and notifications protocols. These included layered strategies to revamp and communicate time-sensitive COVID updates and resource information to key audiences via a variety of audience-driven channels, including new sections of its website and via social media. In addition, Focus Media also trained senior leadership on techniques to effectively convey overall key messages about the college through the news media and to the public.
From video production to newsletter design to press releases and community relations, Focus Media can provide experienced expert support to your school building or entire school district.