MONTGOMERY, N.Y. (December 7, 2011) – Walden Savings Bank participated in this year’s March of Dimes “Blue Jeans for Babies” campaign and, as a result, raised $1,518 for the cause.
Throughout the month of November, Walden Savings Bank employees purchased t-shirts and other items and enjoyed a Casual for a Cause Day on Friday, Dec. 2 to raise funds for the annual campaign. Walden Savings Bank hosts a Casual for a Cause Day each month for numerous nonprofit agencies, including American Heart Association, American Cancer Society and Safe Homes of Orange County.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 12 percent of births in the United States were premature in 2010. Though that number has been slowly declining in the past few years, it still means that one in eight babies is born too early.
“Walden Savings Bank is dedicated to assisting the March of Dimes in decreasing the number of premature births,” said President and CEO Derrik R. Wynkoop. “The March of Dimes Blue Jeans for Babies campaign is a great cause and we’re very proud that our employees have responded so diligently and enthusiastically.”
About Walden Savings Bank
Walden Savings Bank, established in 1872, is a federal chartered mutual savings bank headquartered in Montgomery, New York. With a total of eleven full-service branches serving Orange and Ulster Counties, the bank’s progressive style of community banking provides products that cater to both the individual and the growing mid-size business. To learn more about the Bank and its products and services, visit their website at www.waldensavingsbank.com