Goshen, N.Y.
(Nov. 15, 2011) – The Elant community came together in the fight against breast cancer, raising more than $1,500 and participating in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk.
Team Elant collected $1,500 through walking, asking for donations and holding small events designed to honor breast cancer survivors, raise awareness about the disease and help save lives.
“Along with our residents and staff, Elant is proud to support Making Strides Against Breast Cancer,” said Todd Whitney, CEO of Elant, Inc. “So many of our employees see firsthand the impact of cancer on our residents and their families, and understand the importance of improved testing and early detection, so they have a deep personal commitment to the American Cancer Society’s efforts to save lives. Team Elant lead by leader/employee LouAnn Spiess worked hard to raise money and awareness, and we applaud their commitment.”
About Elant Inc.
Elant was founded in 1985 in Goshen, N.Y., as a 120-bed not-for-profit, community-based nursing home. Elant offers seven locations, as well as in-home and day treatment programs, throughout the region. It offers a broad spectrum of services that provides for the needs of more than 3,500 people. Elant provides a full continuum of care including Sub-Acute Care and Rehabilitation Services, Nursing Home Care, Assisted Living, Adult Day Care, Retirement Community Living, Home Health Care and a Managed Long Term Care Plan.