Top picks from each grade could have chance to go to nationals
November 7, 2011 – Fallsburg, N.Y. – Rolling V Bus Corporation and Gershowitz Transportation are pleased to announce the winners of the 2011-12 School Bus Safety Poster Contest. The winners of each of these five school districts served by Rolling V/Gershowitz all may have a chance to enter a national competition, sponsored by National Association for Pupil Transportation.
This year’s Grand Prize Winner is Dawn Ruhren from the Fallsburg School District.
First place winners, from each school district, are Sarah Stevens of Ellenville Central School District, Dawn Ruhren of Fallsburg Elementary School, Gracie Ivory of Livingston Manor School District, Samantha Teipelke of Roscoe Central School District, and Kayla Ward of Tri-Valley School District.
Second and third place winners, respectively, are Tatianna Roig and Lavannia Grant (Ellenville), Autumn Fuller and Nicole Albelo (Fallsburg), Cameron Hoag and Jimmey Coley (Livingston Manor), Collin Garofolo and Dylon Irwin (Roscoe) and Christopher Morgan II and Brooke Rogers (Tri-Valley).
Winners will be chosen by grade level to participate in a TriCounty Association for Pupil Transportation poster contest, at which they will be judged collectively by category, with the winners going to the New York state finals. State finalists will then have a chance at achieving national recognition against artwork from around the United States at the end of the school year. First place at the national competition is a $1,000 savings bond.
The winners were chosen by the Rolling V/Gershowitz Safety Team, made up of Doug Deveau, Ken Engle, Nicole Dungey, and Linda Kleingardner.
Rolling V/Gershowitz hosts annual safety-themed poster contests in each school district they serve in Sullivan and Ulster counties. Rolling V/Gershowitz Transportation services over 1,500 school children in the region throughout the year.
Rolling V/Gershowitz President Phil Vallone added, “We believe that promoting school bus safety to students at the earliest possible age creates a safe environment throughout their entire schooling experience. We would like to congratulate the district finalists, and thank all those who entered their beautiful artwork!”
Rolling V Bus Corporation and Gershowitz Transportation are proud members of the New York School Bus Contractors Association and the American School Bus Council. The companies are family-owned and operated by the Vallone and DeSabato families. The Vallone family has been in the passenger transportation business for more than 50 years.