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Mount Vernon City School District Partners with Mount Vernon Police Department to Host ‘Beyond the Badge’ Field Day for Cops and Kids

June 12, 2019 - Client News
Mount Vernon City School District Partners with Mount Vernon Police Department to Host ‘Beyond the Badge’ Field Day for Cops and Kids

The District’s first annual event engages elementary students and law enforcement in fun team-building activities

MOUNT VERNON, N.Y. (June 12, 2019) — On Saturday, June 8, 2019, the Mount Vernon City School District and the Mount Vernon Police Department (MVPD) partnered to host ‘Beyond the Badge,’ a field day for students in grades 4-6 and law enforcement officers. The first annual event seeks to promote partnerships between school, families, community and law enforcement by helping students identify law enforcement as allies and not adversaries.

Mount Vernon City School District
Mount Vernon City School District students participate in tug-of-war as part of the District’s ‘Beyond the Badge’ event with the Mount Vernon Police Department at Holmes School Fields on Saturday, June 8, 2019.

Eighteen students from each of the District’s 12 elementary schools and 12 MVPD officers gathered at Holmes School Fields, located at 195 N. Columbus Avenue in Mount Vernon. There, the students and police officers engaged in collegial, fun team-building activities. Each law enforcement officer was paired with a group of students and the 12 teams competed against each other through a course of activity stations, including: a three-legged race, egg race, obstacle course, tug-of-war, and more.

“As educators, its important for us to ensure our students are provided with the tools and resources they need to succeed – both within the walls of our classrooms and outside of our school buildings. By partnering with local law enforcement, the students were able to see beyond the badge and engage with those protecting the streets and people of our City,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kenneth R. Hamilton.

For Stephany Valdovinos, it was about the competition. “So far, my favorite game was tug-of-war, but we lost against Williams School,” Valdovinos, a fifth-grader at Lincoln School, said disappointingly. “The games are amazing and I hope to do this again next year.”

The effort was part of an extension of the Mount Vernon Police Department’s community policing efforts with the District’s students. “We are out here today to give the kids the opportunity to see us as people, not just as police officers,” said Mount Vernon Police Department Sgt. Joseph Starace, who helped coordinate the event. “This event helps create a bond that will last well beyond our careers and throughout their lives.”

“It is wonderful to see all the students, parents, parent liaisons, volunteers, teachers, administrators, and police officers come out for this community event,” said School Board Trustee Darcy Miller, who helped organize the event. “Next year, we look forward to having these activities as part of our Mind, Body and Soul event in September and bringing together even more of our students with the City’s police officers.”

After the activities concluded, the 216 students along with the law enforcement officers and support staff from the District celebrated with a BBQ of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and beverages followed by ice cream sundaes.

About Mount Vernon City School District

With more than 8,000 students in 16 schools, the Mount Vernon City School District is committed to providing a quality education to its children as well as developing programs that meet the diverse academic and social needs of its students.

Author: focusmedia

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