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Mobile Life Support Services Offers Safety Tips for Soon-to-Be Graduates, Parents

June 18, 2019 - Client News
Mobile Life Support Services Offers Safety Tips for Soon-to-Be Graduates, Parents

NEW WINDSOR, N.Y. (June 18, 2019) — June is a momentous month for families of high school seniors as they prepare for graduation and celebrate the many milestones leading up to special occasions such as prom and parties. With these celebrations come increased risks for teenagers as they navigate – figuratively and literally – their journey toward summer.

Underage drinking and distracted driving are two common causes for injuries to teenagers.

According to the CDC, one in every five teens involved in fatal crashes had consumed some amount of alcohol. Drivers under the age of 20 are 17 times more likely to have a fatal automotive accident when they have been drinking. Additionally, nine Americans die every day from texting and driving.

Mobile Life Support Services
Mobile Life Support Services staff recently participated in and helped to plan a Drunk Driving Drill hosted by Chester Academy.

Recently, Mobile Life participated in a Drunk Driving Drill hosted by Chester Academy. The coordinated effort included Orange Regional Medical Center; Town of Chester Police Department N.Y.; Sugar Loaf Engine Company; Walton Engine & Hose Co.; LifeNet of New York; Orange County STOP DWI & Traffic Safety Program; Loyal Tire & Auto Center; and Flynn Funeral & Cremation Memorial Centers, Inc. All of these agencies came together to impress upon students the devastating effects drunk driving can have on friends, family and the general public.

“The summer months are an exciting time for many teens and their families. Unfortunately, it’s also a time during which many EMS providers receive increased calls related to injuries and fatalities of our communities’ young adults,” said Mobile Life President & CEO Scott Woebse. “As graduation season draws near, we encourage high school students to exercise caution and responsibility, and encourage parents to have an open line of communication with their children about the dangers and risks associated with drinking and driving.”

Mobile Life recommends these tips to help prevent distractions or impairments in teens behind wheel any time of year:

-Enroll teens in driving education courses. Driving safety courses provide an overview and recommendations for approaching a variety of different driving scenarios. The recommendations will follow laws specific to the driver’s state.

-Host alcohol-free graduation parties. For families hosting graduation parties for their teens, consider having a dry party – free of any alcoholic beverages. If alcohol will be served to adults of legal drinking age, consider collecting car keys upon arrival to prevent the occurrence of drunk driving by guests of any age.

-Set curfews. To minimize the chance of an accident, consider setting a curfew of 11 p.m. or midnight for minors under the age of 18.

-Minimize distracted driving. Distracted driving can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Prohibiting the use of electronics, discouraging teens from listening to loud music while driving and limiting the number of passengers in a teenage driver’s car may help avoid potential distractions.

-Provide safe passage. If you’re a parent, keep in mind that teens may still choose to engage in underage drinking. Maintain open and honest lines of communication with your teens to ensure their safety. Knowing they can call a parent or family member for a ride home may hinder them from getting behind the wheel themselves, or riding with another person who may be under the influence. Some families may choose to have a code word or phrase that serves as a request for immediate pick-up with no questions asked. Remember, safety is the top priority.

New York State law prohibits the purchase and consumption of alcohol for anyone under the age of 21. Adults of legal age have a moral obligation to help prevent illness and injury that can occur from underage drinking.

To learn more about Mobile Life Support Services, visit

About Mobile Life Support Services, Inc.

Mobile Life Support Services, Inc. is a New York State Certified Advanced Life Support paramedic ambulance company that provides emergency services to communities and healthcare facilities throughout the Hudson Valley Region of New York State, including the counties of Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, Ulster, and Westchester. Founded in 1981 by Rick and Gayle Metzger, Mobile Life is composed of more than 500 EMS professionals across the region and operates a fleet of more than 60 ambulances and 26 stations. With a collective population of more than 1,000,000 residents, Mobile Life handles approximately 100,000 calls per year. For more information, visit

Author: focusmedia

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