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Focus on Marketing: Promotions are a plus

January 14, 2011 - Focus News
Focus on Marketing: Promotions are a plus

There’s lots of competition to get the public’s attention. You want to be top of mind — essentially the company that they think of for your product or service. Promotional items are a great way to keep your company’s name in front of your existing and potential customers.

Traditional giveaways like coffee cups, desk accessories and T-shirts have been joined by a new generation of more high-tech promotional items such as USB flash drives, iPod cases and cell-phone accessories. Whatever you’re looking for, from work-related to playful, there’s an item that can be used to make an impact with customers and build deeper awareness.

Promotional items with your logo on it can be inexpensive, with many items like customized pens or key rings costing well under a dollar. Other popular giveaways like flash drives and polycarbonate water bottles cost $5-$10 or more.

Gifts set mailings apart
If your company uses direct mail, gifts are a good way to set your mailings apart from the competition. The surprise and excitement of receiving an unexpected gift makes that package stand out from the rest of the pile of unopened mail.

One of the best promotional items I’ve seen a company use as a company reminder is a pad that sticks to your car’s dashboard and holds your cell phone. Jill Varricchio, owner of Concept Promotions, a Newburgh-based company that manufactures promotional items and coordinates direct-mail campaigns, used it to promote her company.

Varricchio said she is drawn to items people use and interact with on a regular basis, noting clothing has long been the most popular type of promotional premium.

“There’s some utility to the product because it’s used and lasts,” Varricchio said. “It has a long-lasting impact and enhances your brand’s standing.”

Green products in demand
There has been a growing demand for green and recycled products as promotional giveaways, said Sharon “Jelly Bean” Warrantz of JellyBean Promotions in Middletown. “People want note pads, water bottles and Frisbees made from recycled materials,” Warrantz said. “Reusable grocery tote bags also have been very popular.”

Promotional items that are used on a regular basis, Warrantz said, provide tremendous bang for the buck: “It’s a great way to get your name out there for a relatively low cost per impression.”

Josh Sommers is president and CEO of Focus Media, a leading Hudson Valley advertising and public relations agency. He can be reached at or 294-3342, ext. 303. Read his blog at His column appears Fridays.